Frequently Asked Questions
"…state of the art websites?" G-site is a state of the art web development firm, which specializes in delivering your Internet message clearly and efficiently. We create web sites that are aesthetically pleasing, as well as informative -- utilizing methods, ranging from HTML to CGI to ASP to Flash -- whatever method is suitable for your needs. "… a web site that clearly conveys the message?" The design should never get in the way of your message... The challenge is always to create a web site that is visually pleasing, yet gets the message out effectively. The Internet is strewn with sites that are so overwhelmed by graphics and effects that the messages become obscured. Web design is an evolving advertising and technological art form. There is a tendency among many designers to get so caught up in emerging technologies that they sometimes lose focus of their client's actual needs. G-site believes in the elegance of simplicity. "…determining the client's specific needs?" Our thoughts on this subject are simply -- LESS IS MORE. Most companies and organizations just want to get the message out without clutter or distraction. We suggest the best methods to do so. If additional enhancements are useful, we’ll suggest appropriate ones and then you decide what fits your budget. Our objective is to create web sites that remain viable through the fads... simple and attractive, yet scalable. We don't want someone to visit your web site a couple of months down the road and find last month's fad dominating your site. "… G-site on the cutting edge...?" G-site has produced web sites incorporating all of the above-mentioned features and more, but always in accordance to the client's desires and objectives. Indeed, we have even created "Spartan" sites when specified. We have also created and been a part of many award winning sites. "… hosting?" G-site has worked with a variety of Internet hosts --, Network Solutions, Earthlink/Mindspring and many, many more. We have also worked with numerous offshore hosts. If you do not have a host in mind, we can also make arrangements for you. "…with lower pricing, will the quality of the work be equal to the competition?" Customer care and quality are G-site's strongest characteristics. We have developed numerous sites that have become showpieces for the many clients that we have serviced. Some of these sites are among the most advanced on the Internet, encompassing aesthetic and functional elements that have made those clients quite proud. |